Transportation Services
Ashe County Transportation Authority
Phone: (336) 846-2000, TDD Users (800) 735-2962
Fax: (336) 846-8579
Office Address: 895 Ray Taylor Rd West Jefferson, NC
Mailing Address: PO Box 1836
West Jefferson, NC 28694
Email: [email protected]
Description of Services: ACTA provides transportation
services in two ways:
am- 5:30 pm And Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm.
by reservation only (predominantly dialysis,
outpatient surgery, and airport).
Any resident or visitor to Ashe County can access the
transportation services offered by ACTA for Medical
Appointments, grocery shopping, bill paying, work,
college, senior center, airport, and much more. Free
transportation to and from COVID Vaccine sites. DSS
has set up an application process for Medicaid billing
transportation. Call Stacy Liddle to complete applica-
tions and she will get you on the schedule for trans-
(336) 846-5688
Appointments for service have to be made by 2:00 pm
the day before service is rendered. Monday appointments
must be made by 2:00 PM on Friday prior to Monday's
Phone: (336) 846-2000, TDD Users (800) 735-2962
Fax: (336) 846-8579
Office Address: 895 Ray Taylor Rd West Jefferson, NC
Mailing Address: PO Box 1836
West Jefferson, NC 28694
Email: [email protected]
Description of Services: ACTA provides transportation
services in two ways:
- Deviated Fixed Route Service between Jefferson
am- 5:30 pm And Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm.
- Demand Response Monday Through Friday
by reservation only (predominantly dialysis,
outpatient surgery, and airport).
Any resident or visitor to Ashe County can access the
transportation services offered by ACTA for Medical
Appointments, grocery shopping, bill paying, work,
college, senior center, airport, and much more. Free
transportation to and from COVID Vaccine sites. DSS
has set up an application process for Medicaid billing
transportation. Call Stacy Liddle to complete applica-
tions and she will get you on the schedule for trans-
(336) 846-5688
Appointments for service have to be made by 2:00 pm
the day before service is rendered. Monday appointments
must be made by 2:00 PM on Friday prior to Monday's