Emergency Preparedness
What is Emergency Preparedness?
--No matter where you live, you should always have an emergency kit in case of natural disasters.
--Emergency kits should include: flashlights, batteries, medicine, first aid kit, and much more.
--No matter where you live, you should always have an emergency kit in case of natural disasters.
--Emergency kits should include: flashlights, batteries, medicine, first aid kit, and much more.
Want to know more about Emergency Preparedness?
--Click on the documents below.
--The PowerPoint contains information about what goes into the Emergency Preparedness Kit.
--The information in the PowerPoint is provided by Innovation Approaches Project from Cabarrus, Rowan, and Stanly Counties and Parent to Parent FSN-HC.
--The documents below include personal information that should be in the kit.
--The PDFs below are the Care Notebooks provided by the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center.
--Click on the documents below.
--The PowerPoint contains information about what goes into the Emergency Preparedness Kit.
--The information in the PowerPoint is provided by Innovation Approaches Project from Cabarrus, Rowan, and Stanly Counties and Parent to Parent FSN-HC.
--The documents below include personal information that should be in the kit.
--The PDFs below are the Care Notebooks provided by the Exceptional Children's Assistance Center.